Majestic Blue Rose Bouquet

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2 Dozen Blue Roses in Bouquet:

Majestic Blue Rose Bouquet is a stunning arrangement of 24 blue roses, hand-picked and arranged by our expert florists. The roses are a deep, vibrant blue that will amaze and delight your recipient. The bouquet is also beautifully arranged in a clear vase, making it the perfect gift for any occasion.
Order your Majestic Blue Rose Bouquet today and show your loved one how much you care!

For Regular Rose: There are no naturally blue roses exist in this world. These Blue Roses are either re-hydrated or sprayed with Blue colored White Roses. However, they look like original blue roses, & most importantly, these roses are of highest quality, hand picked for this process & very beautiful!

Important: If this color rose is not available, then it would be replaced with the red color roses

Your purchase includes a complimentary greeting card message.

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